Working with a folder structure

A folder structure can be created within a case using the EHS swagger.


The folder structure of a case is built in the EHS. A new folder can be created easily with a REST cal documented in the swagger.

For more advanced manipulation of the structure, you must first retrieve the content, update it, and send the new version. The typical model of a folder is similar to this:

"2f6c1c07-1740-4ca5-b338-5b03037d54fe": {
      "lifecycleState": null,
      "mimeType": null,
      "name": "Videos",
      "nodeAuthor": null,
      "nodeId": "2f6c1c07-1740-4ca5-b338-5b03037d54fe",
      "nodeType": "Folder",
      "nodeValidationStatus": "Validated",
      "parentNodeId": "0",
      "sourceId": null,
      "startTimeUtc": null,
      "uploadedBy": null,
      "uploadedTimeUtc": null,
      "correlationType": null