JSON Connection File
When an admin user creates a service account in Clearance, a JSON file can be generated to obtain the authentication keys and list the different services' API endpoints.
Any product or service that needs to communicate with Clearance must be able to read that JSON file; it contains the authentication keys and API endpoint that your service needs to communicate with Clearance APIs.
"DocumentStoreBaseAddresses": [
"SecurityTokenServiceBaseAddresses": [
"KeyStoreBaseAddresses": [
"DeviceServiceBaseAddresses": [
"CaseServiceBaseAddresses": [
"SearchServiceBaseAddresses": [
"UserServiceBaseAddresses": [
"ApiBaseAddresses": [
"CADApiAddresses": [
"CertificateThumbprints": [],
"DisableEncryption": false,
"ServicePrincipalId": "151",
"ServicePrincipalKey": {
"k": null,
"kid": "urn:service:tenant123:MyApiUser:151",
"kty": "RSA",
"use": null,
"n": "...hidden...",
"e": "AQAB",
"x5t": null,
"d": "...hidden...",
"p": "...hidden...",
"q": "...hidden...",
"dp": "...hidden...",
"dq": "...hidden...",
"qi": "...hidden...",
"nbf": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
"exp": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
"TenantId": "tenant123"
Updated almost 4 years ago
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