Document Service API
The Document service support uploading files into an Evidence entity.
The Evidence entity represents ONE digital evidence but sometimes more than one file is required because different representations of the same data are possible or meta-data is required to complete a media file.
For example, when someone upload a video file to Clearance, the system will detect which format it is and it try to generate a browser compatible MP4 video file to simplify the visualization. The MP4 version will be appended to the Evidence as a new resource.
Document Service Interactive Documentation
How to use the Interactive API Documentation
Examples of a reading the content of an Evidence
Here's an example of someone that uploaded a JPEG image, clearance will automatically extract all the Exif data stored in JPEG. Clearance will add a JSON file to the evidence that will contain the extracted metadata to simplify the viewing of this information in a browser.
First let's read the Evidence through the RESP API using it's ID (812) in the Tenant123. The EvidenceID can be found using the Search Service API
The JSON returned by the Evidence Service when requesting the resources associated with an Evidence. You can notice the MimeType: image/jpeg for the picture and genetec/json-exif for the Exif extracted automatically.
"ResourceId": "813",
"EvidenceId": "812",
"Name": "image-45.jpg",
"MimeType": "image/jpeg",
"StartTimeUtc": null,
"EndTimeUtc": null,
"TimeOffset": null,
"UploadedTimeUtc": "2017-09-15T13:55:50.2774484Z",
"UploadedBy": {
"KId": "urn:user:tenant123:[email protected]:3",
"Username": "[email protected]",
"PrincipalId": "3",
"PrincipalType": "user"
"Parent": null,
"Thumbnail": null,
"UploadCertificateThumbprint": null,
"State": "UserCompleted",
"DecryptedLengthInBytes": 4913685,
"ConcurrencyId": "13c6023e102d53f26b4210646757b677afa564c2"
"ResourceId": "828",
"EvidenceId": "812",
"Name": "resource_813_exifmetadata.json",
"MimeType": "genetec/json-exif",
"StartTimeUtc": null,
"EndTimeUtc": null,
"TimeOffset": null,
"UploadedTimeUtc": "2017-09-15T13:56:06.3157638Z",
"UploadedBy": {
"KId": null,
"Username": "internal",
"PrincipalId": "0",
"PrincipalType": null
"Parent": "813",
"Thumbnail": "",
"UploadCertificateThumbprint": null,
"State": "UserCompleted",
"DecryptedLengthInBytes": null,
"ConcurrencyId": "13c6023e102d53f26b4210646757b677afa564c2"
Updated almost 2 years ago